Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First experience with venison

I know that might be shocking to you guys, but I've only ever had deer jerky .  Especially since I live in an area of the country that practically has a state wide holiday for the annual opening of shotgun season for deer.  Seriously, when I was in high school, kids were able to get out of school simply based on the line, "I'm going deer hunting."  Anyway here are is the pictoral evidence.

The stuff for the sauce to be served.  Onions, garlic and jalapeno, chicken broth, frozen grape juice, red wine, bottled grape juice and fresh grapes.

The onions, garlic and jalpaenos got sauteed in a bit of butter.

Here are the various stages of the sauce.  The wine was added in two different 1/2 cup portions, then the chicken broth and grape juice concentrate and then the bottled grape juice went in.  All told start to finish probably 30 minutes to make the sauce.

Here is the raw venison loin waiting to hit the heat.

Seasoned meat ready to going in the pan.

Meat halfway through the cooking.

The finished meat.

 The finished plate.  Based on my input costs, this plate would probably cost about $75 in a restaurant.  But it was delicious, and you definitely know you're not eating beef.  To me it was much closer to duck than any four legged creature I've eaten before.

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