Monday, April 15, 2013

Beans, Greens and Sausage

Do people still read this blog, if so you guys must hate my freaking guts right now.  Over the past month, I have been completely unable to keep my repeated promises about posting more.  So I'm just going to quit telling you about my posting prognosis.  No more speculating in this space about the potential of life slowing down and allowing me to bore you guys to death on a regular basis. 

So in this version of DFA's food schedule reboot, we have Beans, Greens and Sausage.  This dish, isn't really a soup, isn't really a stew and isn't really a casserole.  It's like the food version of the No Labels political group here in the US (except that this dish actually has a reason to exist other than to outflank the low information voter in the US and convince them to vote for Democrats). 

So enough unfunny, unrelated to food tangents from me and into the reason why you're here.  The food.

The first step was to make the sausage.  This dish has a very unique addition, grapes.  In this case they get treated unlike I've ever seen before.  They get roasted off along with the sausage after the sausage seared on the stove top.

The sausage half way through the searing process.  That browning is why I love love love my stove.  Can't pull that off with anything but a gas range.  The old girl is coming up on her two year anniversary soon.  Time really flies when you're having fun.

Once the sausage had seared off it went into a 400 degree oven with the grapes to finish.  Meanwhile I made the rest of the ingredients for the dish.  Onion, garlic, mustard greens, cannellini beans, chicken broth and red pepper flakes. 

The first step for this part of the dish was to sautee off the onion in a little bit of olive oil until they were soft.

The next step was adding in the garlic and pepper flakes.  As always you only want to cook the garlic until you can smell it.

Next up was the mustard greens until they wilted just a little bit.  From here, this mixture had a the cannellini beans and the chicken broth added until the greens were cooked through.

 Here are the completed sausages and grapes.

The final plate. 

This dish, for being so strange was really delicious.  I can't tell you guys (if anyone is still reading) how much I miss just cooking and talking to faceless people out in internet world about it. Cooking is one of my true passions and I absolutely love sharing it with people.  Whether I share it with you or now sharing it with my girlfriend (this is a challenge, she's not very adventurous, HI SAM!).  Doesn't matter, it's all the same amount of fun.  Food to me is meant to be enjoyed and I understand not wanting to spend the kind of money I do on food on a regular basis.  But if you're traveling, go find the best restaurant in town (NOT A CHAIN!).  If you're reading about food or watching food TV and you see a restaurant somewhere that sounds interesting, save your money and go to it.  It will be an experience you never forget. 

I'll end this post with a question/discussion.  What have been some of your most memorable food experiences?

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