Monday, September 23, 2013

Jalapeno Beef with Cheese Polenta and Tortilla Chile Sauce

So time to change it up a little bit.  Simple only gets you so far in life and especially in your kitchen.  While not as simple as other recent meals I've made this isn't so stupidly complicated that it can't be made mid-week.

Here is everything you need for the tortilla chile sauce.  Crushed tomatoes, chicken broth, salt, olive oil, pepper, lemon, garlic, corn tortilla, dried chile and onion.

I chopped the onions and tore the chile fried them off in a bit of oil until the onions were cooked all the way through.

Once the onions were cooked the tomatoes and chicken broth were added to the mix.  I let that simmer for a bit and then it was added to a blender.

Now that the chile sauce was complete it was time to start on the cheesy polenta.  Polenta is really easy, water, cornmeal, salt and monterey jack cheese.

So to make the polenta I brought the water to the simmer and then added the cornmeal.  I let that mixture simmer for a little bit until thick and then I mixed in the cheese until melted.

Now its time for the beef portion of the evening.  Nothing fancy here, salt, pepper, chili powder, sugar, sirloin steak and jalapenos.  I cubed the steak and seasoned it with some of the salt and pepper. 

The beef was seared off in a bit of oil.

Here is the completed beef.  Once the beef was cooked I cleaned out the pan a bit and added the meat back to the pan, dusted them with the sugar and chili powder and added the sliced jalapenos to finish cooking.

The final plate.  If I must say so myself I'm pretty damn proud of that plating, it's definitely one of my better efforts in recent weeks.  Oh yeah, the food was delicious as well.

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