Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wine Steamed Crab

So talk about the ultimate indulgence.  King crab, one of the most expensive sea critters on the planet, beurre blanc, one of the richest sauces known to cooks anywhere.  This dish was rich, rich rich, but oh so delicious. 

The ingredients for the crab portion of the evening.  Olive Oil, salt, cream, Frank Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc (I was inspired to buy it because I was listening to Frank offer his insight to the Greenbrier Classic on Golf Channel before I left for the store), parsley, chives, lemon, white pepper, bay leaf, red pepper flakes, garlic, shallots and butter.  Then TAKE A LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT CRAB LEG, that's one freaking leg and it weighed in at the store at 3/4 of a pound.  Take that rest of the world, only in America can you get meat products that big. 

The first step was to sautee off the the shallots and garlic in some butter and olive oil.

Then once the garlic and shallots where ready, the crab, lemon and bay leaf went in along with the wine and the pan was covered to let the crab cook through.

Here's the completed crab.

Once I removed most of the solids I let the sauce reduce a bit over a few minutes and then began the beurre blanc.

Here's the start of the beurre blanc, I slowly melted about 1/2 a stick of butter into the pan. 

Once the butter had been incorporated the cream went in to complete the sauce.  I told you this sauce was rich, butter and cream.
I added chives and parsley to the sauce to complete it.

The final plate.  I loved this dish, I hate to admit it, but I kinda wish I had a second crab leg.

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