Needless to say that doesn't instill confidence in me that this thing will be out by the end of the year like I had hoped. If they are going through a publisher if this book is out by the end of 2016 I'll be pleasantly surprised.
For those of you who know me, I'm extremely OCD (shocking I know). Less than 48 hours after the Tour of Thailand project I started to get anxious about starting another major cooking project. The most logical move would be to get back into the Alinea cookbook.
I finally decided that, that is exactly what I would do. Then, my wife made a mistake that I don't think she realized she made. For Valentine's day she got me two Thomas Keller cookbooks, Ad Hoc at Home and The French Laundry Cookbook, the mother effing french laundry cookbook!!!!!!!!!!!
So having gotten those books, I'm not only going to get back into Alinea, I'm going to start in on both Thomas Keller books, so there should be a three way rotation of projects for the forseeable future, and whenever the Childhood menu from Next comes out I'll work that in as well. Once that Childhood menu is out I'll be working my way towards a big dinner party in much the same way as Thailand.
I hope you'll follow me through this next chapter.
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