Thursday, November 29, 2012


I'm not  going to preface this post with a sort of witty intro because we've been over this more times than I care to admit, but on a whim I decided to try and spruce this one up with a recipe that I saw would be in my future after the first of the year.

 This steak is a bit different in that it had a sugar based crust on it.  The recipe called for brown sugar which I didn't have so I =used regular, worked out pretty well either way.  But here we have a new york strip, salt, pepper and sugar.

 I seasoned the steak before putting it into a cast iron skillet.

 The steak halfway through the searing process.  After I seared the steak it went into a 450 degree oven to finish.

This was the finished product.  I have some concern that my cast iron skillet might be toast due to the burnt caramel formed in the pan because of the sugar.  But I certainly can't complain about the results, a great looking steak that was cooked to a perfect medium rare.

 I made up some mashed potatoes as a side for this one, they were outstanding.

The final plate.

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