Monday, May 28, 2012


Man I was so tempted to go double entendre with the title, but it wasn't very appropriate.  Anyway Friday night I made two different crab dishes.  First up was the chinese buffet classic, crab rangoon and then I also made a crab pepper pot. 

You can't have crab rangoon without dipping sauce, this one is a spicy pineapple sauce. Sugar, Siracha chile sauce, water, lime juice and pineapple.  The second pic is all the stuff in the pan, and then the final sauce after about 10 minutes on the heat.

Here's the stuff for the rangoon filling.  Jalapeno, cilantro, green onion, lime juice, ginger, sugar and cream cheese.  Naturally, there was some crab in there as well but for some reason it didn't make it into the picture.

The filled wonton skins ready to go into the fryer.

The rangoons in the fryolater. 

The completed crab rangoon.

Here's the stuff for the pepper pot,  it looks complicated but it was actually really simple.  Across the front we have crab, jalapeno, bacon, tomato, ginger and potato, in the middle we have spinach, onion, coconut milk, red pepper flakes, thyme, and in the back we have chicken broth, salt and pepper.

The first step was to fry the bacon.

After the bacon was cooked, the onion, tomato and ginger went in with the red pepper flakes and thyme.

Then the chicken brother goes in for about 10 minutes.

Then the spinach and coconut milk, salt and pepper.

The finished soup.

The final plate.

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